Case Reviews
Stories from our clients
Check out these in-depth retrospectives of past client projects to see how S101 helps dental practices increase their revenue and improve patient retention. These case studies provide accurate examples of the process we use to solve our client’s biggest problems, from start to finish.
Read Our Case Reviews

Dr. Clark Plost
owner of plost dental in Tulsa, OK
“It’s amazing to me how terrible dental insurance really is. The fact that there’s only one winner in the equation, and it’s not the doctor and it sure as hell isn’t the patient. So I’ve learned a ton, and I always say we play the insurance game really hard in our office, and we have to in order to execute what Solutions 101 put in place for us.”
Clark Plost reviews his experience working with Solutions 101 to help him find and start his own private practice dentist office.

Stephanie Clason
Office manager of Stillwater dental associates
We have more confidence when we’re explaining our patients’ insurance policies to them. We can show them what our fees are and where they’re coming from, and we know if their plans are going to accept our fees or not. So we can give them a really accurate prediction of their out-of-pocket that way.
Stephanie Calson reviews her experience working with Solutions 101.

Valarie Caulfield
Office Manager at Sodorff & Wilson
“At the time, we belonged to way too many PPOs, and our fees were just unbelievably low. S101 was able to help decipher what networks we were actually in, what networks were married to each other, and what networks we could consolidate. S101 showed us how when we left one network with a lower paying fee schedule, another network could take it over and give us an instant raise. I was so appreciative of that because we just really had no idea how it really worked.”
Valerie Caulfield shares her experience working with Solutions 101 to improve her office’s insurance contracts, escape unprofitable networks, and increase their annual revenue.
Dr. Christopher Leyster, DDS
Pediatric Dentist and Practice Owner at Kids Dental Specialists
“I think doctors need to be aware of how important the billing side is. It’s got to be one of the top things on your mind, you can’t have a successful thriving practice if you’re not conscious of how and how much you’re getting paid. That’s your salary right there. You’re not negotiating with a boss like most people are with their job contracts. You’re getting paid by these insurance companies. If you don’t thoroughly understand what’s happening, I think you’re just shooting yourself in the foot.”
Dr. Christopher Leyster, pediatric dentist and practice owner, talks about how Solutions 101 not only increased his revenue, but helped him become a more confident and capable business owner in the process.

Janet Baker
office manager at Edmond Family Dental Design
“It felt like our cost and the quality of our work were being dictated by insurance. The patients were worried about how much they would have to pay, and we were writing off a huge amount. It’s almost like the quality of the treatment and the wellbeing of our business were in conflict. We’d either take a huge loss or not provide the best treatment, so what do you do? Obviously, we want to provide the best treatment, but that would often come at our expense.”
Solutions 101 was able to help Janet Baker of Edmond Family Dental Designs increase revenue, improve their patient relationships, and get more control over how they run their business.