Solutions for Dentists

What would you do with in-depth knowledge of the Dental Benefit Market?

The three biggest reasons why dentists choose to work with S101

“I saw more patients and made less money last year than I did the year before because my insurance reimbursements are just too low.”

Is your dental practice producing more, but depositing the same or less? Is your front office spending hours every week dealing with downgrades, bundling, and denials? We can help you make real, lasting changes to save your revenue. You deserve to understand how you’re paid, and S101 is here to make that happen.

“I can’t afford to leave these low paying contracts because I’m afraid I’ll lose all my patients if I leave their networks.”

Most patients choose a new dentist based on cost and convenience. However, your patients return to your office because of the great experience and high quality care they received from you. You and your team are what’s retaining your patients, not your network status with the insurance plan they chose. S101 can help you decode this problem, without losing your existing patient base.

“The only way I can increase revenue is to pack as many patients into my schedule as possible. My staff is overwhelmed and I need more time to focus on each patient.”

When your overhead is higher than ever and patient’s dental plans are controlling your income, your only option is to increase patient volume. But then you don’t have as much time to focus on each patient, and your staff gets burnt out from being constantly busy. How would you and your staff feel if you found a balance for that?

So How Does It Actually Work?

Helping you solve your problems one step at a time

We’ll start by analyzing your current contracts and reimbursement history in order to fully understand your practice’s unique situation. We’ll help you gather all the required information and use proprietary software to compare it against our comprehensive collection of market data. We’ll also meet with you to learn more about your specific goals; where you’re at now, where you want to go, and how much time you have to get there.

Once we have a clear and accurate model of your situation, we’ll be able to create a custom strategy for saving and increasing your revenue. We’ll develop a step-by-step plan for your practice, using everything we know to determine what improvements will be possible within your market and patient base.

Once we’ve completed our analysis, we’ll meet with you again to present our findings and lay out our recommendations for your office. We want you to be able to make an objective, evidence-based decision whether or not to partner with us. We won’t officially take you on as a new client until we’ve provided you with a forecast of ROI and agreed together that our services are right for your business. If you decide not to work with us, we’ll scrub your data from our records, and you’ll walk away with a much clearer understanding of your practice’s market position.

Once our project officially begins, we’ll start re-engineering your reimbursement landscape, creating actual leverage, and helping you escape from unprofitable network agreements you may never have intended to enter in the first place. We’ll also adjust your office fee schedule so you can reach your maximum potential revenue for each individual CDT code, without accidentally passing on unexpected costs to your patients. We’ll keep you up to date on all our progress, and diligently ensure that the carriers are fully complying with all of their contractual obligations to you.

While the improvements we make to your existing contracts will begin to increase your revenue, we also have to take steps to ensure patient retention.

The biggest key to minimizing patient attrition through this process is to have clear communication. We’ll develop a thorough training plan with resources that will help your office staff inform and educate your patients on the changes being made, why they’re necessary, and how you’re going to make sure they’re still able to get the care they need without suddenly paying far more than they expect. 

Our clients have found that patients actually greatly appreciate direct and transparent explanations. They’re also typically very relieved to know that “what will your insurance cover” is going to become far less relevant than “what treatment does the doctor think is necessary.” 

Patients want their benefits plans taken out of that decision making process just as much as providers do, as long as that freedom doesn’t come with an unexpected financial burden.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much do your services cost?

As a professional services company, Solutions101 structures our fees based upon the scope of services needed to achieve your goals. Because every case is different, payment options are available to make sure your needs are considered. The best part about this process is there is definitive starting and stopping point.  No more paying month after month for a service you are unsure to be beneficial to your practice.

Can you help me with Delta?

Yes.  We understand how dental benefits work in all markets and can handle all carriers.  If a Delta move makes sense in your practice, we will lay out the strategy and implement it into the plan.

Is the initial data analysis free? When do we pay you?

Yes! We don’t charge for our initial data analysis and strategy presentation. We want our clients to feel confident in their decision to work with us, which is why we present our findings and recommendations to you before ever accepting a payment.

Do you have a guarantee?

Yes!  If we cannot help your practice, we will not take your case.  S101 does the ‘heavy lifting’ on the front-end so goals and objectives are clearly outlined before you ever pay for our services.  If you do come on and S101 does not recover your investment, per the Statement of Work, we will refund you 100%.

What are your recommendations and strategy based on?

We apply an evidence-based, comprehensive understanding of dental insurance networks, patient benefit plans, and their structuring. With over ten years worth of in-depth data, your office’s specific and unique analytics will be the foundation of your case.

How many patients am I going to lose?

Preventing as much patient loss as possible is one of our top priorities. However, our clients will typically experience a total patient attrition of 2-5% over the course of their entire case.  This loss is attributed to the plans the patient selects not being able to accommodate a contractual change or increase in reimbursement.  They might have selected a plan with a low MAC or limited coverage being hidden under your existing contracting. We will be sure to explain those risks and a strategy to mitigate that potential patient loss before we take your case on.

How long will my case take?

We can create a significant savings and revenue increase in as little as 90 days from when you officially become a client. It typically takes about 12-18 months to complete a case and achieve all of your desired goals.  These timelines are 100% influenced by the existing contracts in your practice.  Those terms and conditions are already set forth between you and the carriers and have to be accommodated to make any changes in revenue.

Do you handle credentialing?

We believe that credentialing should be easy. Insurance companies often burden providers with unnecessary barriers, and third-party credentialing services profit from dealing with those barriers for you.

S101 simplifies the process by streamlining network agreements, using standardized forms, and giving you other tools to help you quickly and confidently manage your credentialing in house. 

I raised my fees, but I’m not making any more money. Why?

Doing more work and generating less revenue is a common experience for many providers. This problem directly correlates to your in and out of network patient base or the plans that have limited coverage/low MACs.

When patients see you as an In Network provider, your reimbursements are determined by your contracted fee schedules. Raising your office fees will only increase your write off for each procedure, not the revenue generated for the practice. Production does not equal profit in every situation.

For Out of Network providers, each insurance company has a MAC they’re willing to pay for any given CDT code. If your fees fall below the MAC, then you’re leaving money on the table. If your fees are outside of this range, the financial burden will be placed on the patient, potentially leading to lost revenue.

Are you affiliated with anyone?

No, Solutions101 is an independent company whose fiduciary responsibility is to its clients – dental practice owners and providers.

How long have you been in business?

Solutions101 was founded in 2014 but the data collection process started in 2011. We’ve been growing the company and helping more dental practices every year since.  We currently house a database exceeding 60 million data points, 21,000+ individual Group IDs from over 18,000+ businesses nationwide, in all 50 states PLUS Puerto Rico and a handful of international countries.

I am Buying or Selling a practice, can you help?

Solutions101 has helped both selling and purchasing doctors benefit from their transaction.  Improving revenue to increase EBITDA for a selling office or making sure that an incoming provider doesnt experience cost-negative contracting by purchasing the practice.